Sunday, December 1, 2019

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk
by Anthony E Barr

coffee awaits...
As do I. 
I am with smile. 
Perhaps you enjoy reading rhyme? 
I'm a wordsmith. 
A poet at times. 
Though I've been unable to write rhymes for the last three years of mine. 
Now it's time. 
I never know when it's going to arrive 
but I've so much I got to get out inside 
cause for 1000 days this world I tried 
to change and do my part in making it a better place 
while everyday 
this human race 
spat in my face 
intending to disgrace 
this righteous race I run. 
I run this race 
to regain 
my strength 
and thank 
those who believed/believe in me. 
It's because of them I hadn't the need 
to give up on humanity 
but I was tested everyday 
at every interchange 
still I changed a city 
into everything 
Always giving
Never taking
In the meaningless
Removing hatred 
from the heartless.
Giving my heart 
to the loveless
By the Rejects
Feared of
by church goers
whilst mania of Mashed Monsters
Attempted to remove God from me
but there's so much love in me
they couldn't succeed
and alone I may be
but at least I have me
and nobody
can take this from me
not even me
only God
but he gave life to me
to be the best Tony
that Tony can be
and, well you see
I'm purdy f'n amazing

© Anthony E. Barr '19